Fable daycare, preschool, and kindergarten
Welcome to Jeeva Public School. We aim to provide holistic education in a stress free, supportive and safe environment.
From the Root to Buds to Achieve their Dreams.
‘Leaders are not born they are made’. Every child is blessed with potential skills. Each skill can be flashed only if there is a chance. The creativity in them is to be triggered out otherwise it might be hidden forever. If it’s not possible at schooling later the platform will have a rough surface and they may not find themselves who they are. So, we framed a curriculum with a very special care on the young minds, the future generation and the need of our nation.
As it is said by Neil Armstrong "This might be a small step for us but a giant leap for the mankind". We strongly believe that our trials will make a remarkable change in the society as little drops make a mighty ocean.
We are glad to introduce our professional staff
The teachers of Jeeva are not a team but one. They build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students. They are the role models for our kids. Frequent trainings and workshops are arranged to train and to update their efficiency and to motivate them to facilitate the students rather than teaching.